Monday, June 14, 2010

Redirecting Therapy Based on Client's Responses ©

Sometimes people will come for one reason and actually need healing in another area. This turned out to be one "doggone" interesting event.

A client, whom I will call "Jan", came to me for Smoking Cessation in November of 2009. Jan agreed to two sessions, although I recommended a minimum of four sessions for stopping smoking.

Jan reported that she was single, with a stressful job. She spoke lovingly of her two dogs (Sharpeis, named Sadie and Lexie). After getting to know Jan better, I began to realize there was more she needed than smoking cessation. I will discuss two very different sessions: Her first, using a standard hypnosis script and her second, using Theta Healing, which became a reading and healing session.

In our first session, Jan seemed resistant to relaxing, so I asked her unconscious mind to review and release any fear related to our healing session (Cheek, D, 1993, Hypnosis, The Application of Ideomotor Techniques). To set up a time frame, I used the "Dreaming Arm" technique taught to me by Robert Fletcher (Fletcher, 1998, Thought Pattern Management (TM)). The dreaming arm works great as a process driver to set up a time frame for the unconscious to complete a task. For those of you unfamiliar with the technique, I will explain the process.

I had Jan raise her left arm and asked her unconscious mind to take charge of her arm and lower it down only as quickly as the review was completed. It took only a few minutes, and the slight ideomotor movements were undeniably unconscious in nature. For further deepening I used a Light Metaphor, which worked well, and she went into a deep trance state.

Since Jan was a project manager, I used the following metaphor: I asked to speak directly to the project manager in charge of her brain and body. I asked the "project manager" to take a picture of her brain/body prior to starting smoking and a picture of her brain / body as it is now and make comparisons. Then I had all of the engineers assembled (structural, chemical, nutrition, communication, waste treatment, etc) note the differences between the two images. I asked Jan's Unconscious mind to respond using finger signals. I asked if changes could be made to restore the body and mind to the way it was prior to her starting smoking. I got a "yes" response. Setting up the Dreaming Arm, I asked her unconscious mind to make the changes. The arm stopped moving at one point and I asked if some of the changes could be started now and finished later. I and got a "yes" when I asked if it would take about two months to complete some of the changes. Then the arm finished moving downward.

I finished with Will Horton's Stop Smoking I script. I got confirmation from Jan's finger signals that all the parts of her were working as a team to help her stop smoking and that there were no resistant parts. At the end of the session prior to her awakening, I said, "I am going to ask your unconscious mind to review at an unconscious level everything gained of value in this session". This unconscious review was something I gleaned from Dr. David M. Cheek (Cheek, D.M., 1993).

The most interesting event took place at our second meeting. Jan talked about how worried she was about her dog, Roxie, who had recently had surgery and had torn her stitches. I taught Jan tapping for anxiety release using the EFT method. She calibrated her worry at a ten on a scale of zero to ten, when we began the exercise and then at a two when we finished. I gave her a handout to remember the EFT process and to practice it. Using theta healing I proceeded to activate her DNA with her permission, following the method taught by Vianna Stibal (Stibal, V. 1993, ThetaHealing). The subject of guardian angels came up and Jan wanted to know about hers. As I looked, I first sensed a man who continually helps her with "left-brain" decisions. Then I saw a female, very feminine, in a beautiful white dress, with layers of ruffles and embroidery. Last I saw an Owl on her right side. Then, suddenly, I saw hundreds of dogs behind Jan (as if the wall disappeared). The dogs seemed to say to my client: "Thank you for your help." The love I felt from those gentle spirits was almost overwhelming. The gratitude expressed was immense and the impression came that Jan had been sending money to various shelters, and organizations that help animals in need. She confirmed my impression. With tears running down her face, Jan expressed gratitude for knowing that the financial help she had given was received and dogs had benefited from it. It was a sweet experience. The dogs were gone, passed on to another existence, and yet very present with us in that moment, in that room. I will always remember the experience and I am sure "Jan" will too.

Since that time, I have followed up with her. She has cut her smoking by half. I am sure, when she is ready, she will return to finish what we started. In the meantime, Jan tells me she feels peace knowing that her efforts to save dogs were well received.

For more information on Theta Healing classes or sessions, contact Susan at 801.918.9437

By: Susan G. Bliss, C.Ht, South Jordan, UT / /Theta Healing:

Susan is a graduate of Infinity Institute International, Inc

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